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Guide to Military Dog Training

Police departments around the country and every branch of the U.S. military use highly trained dogs to perform crucial missions. These K9 dogs detect explosives and narcotics, protect military and law enforcement personnel and issue warnings when danger approaches. They are beloved by the men and women who serve with them and have saved countless lives. In this article, ourtactical dog gear company will cover the qualities military and law enforcement dogs possess, explain how they are trained and take a look at the kind of missions they are sent on.

What Is Military Dog Training?

All of the dogs used by the various branches of the U.S. military are trained at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas. There are approximately 900 dogs being trained at the San Antonio facility at any given time. During an intensive training program, military dogs are taught to respond to verbal commands and hand signals, perform specialized missions, and maintain their focus in challenging and unpredictable environments.

The Role of Military Dog Handlers

There was a time when military commanders would send underperforming soldiers to train with dogs, but much has changed in recent years. Soldiers have seen first-hand what military dogs can do, and their handlers are now seen as valuable and important team members. Military dog handlers train with their dogs and deploy with them. 

Duties and Responsibilities

A military dog handler's primary duty is taking care of the animal assigned to them and making sure that it is ready and willing to perform when called upon. Handlers develop deep emotional bonds with their dogs and treat them like comrades. When they are deployed, it is not unusual for military dog handlers to share their quarters and food with their dogs. Many of these handlers even adopt these disciplined pups when they retire from the service.

Training and Qualifications

Military personnel who wish to become dog handlers must attend and complete military police school before they can travel to San Antonio for further training. When they arrive at Lackland AFB, they are assigned experienced dogs that are tasked with training their trainers. When handlers complete their training and receive certification, they are sent to a unit and assigned a dog.

Importance of Effective Communication

Military dogs are expected to perform in stressful life-or-death situations, so effective communication is crucial. Dogs deployed to forward areas must respond to commands without hesitation and be immune to distractions. They develop that kind of focus through consistent training sessions with their handlers. This specific training nurtures a level of loyalty that is remarkable even for canines. During the Vietnam War, a military dog named Nemo had to be sedated by medics because he would not let friends or foes approach his badly injured handler.

Basic Training for Military Dogs

Most military training programs have set durations, but service dogs remain in training for as long as it takes to prepare them for their missions. The training is intensive, and the standards are exceptionally high, which is why only about half of the dogs selected for training go on to serve in the military.

Breeding Program and Selection Process

Soldiers must have exceptional levels of physical fitness and sharp minds, and the dogs that serve with them are just as capable. The military does not have established breed requirements, but most dogs selected for service training are German Shepherds, Belgian Malinois, or Pit Bulls. These dogs are chosen because they are powerful, intelligent, and have strong prey and play drives. Dogs like this can endure the rigors of military service and relish the opportunities for adventure it provides.

Basic Obedience Training

Before military dogs undergo specialized training, they are taught to respond to basic commands like “heel,” “sit,” and “stay.” Most people use treats to train their dogs to respond to these commands, but military trainers reward their dogs with positive verbal reinforcement. Handlers say “yes” to their dogs instead of giving them a handful of kibble, and their dogs soon learn to yearn for and relish this kind of reward. The military calls this approach "Clear Signals Training." When service dogs are particularly good and a physical reward is called for, military trainers give them either balls to fetch or chew toys to sink their teeth into.

Training Methods and Techniques

Service dogs often operate in loud and chaotic situations where voice commands would not be practical, so they are trained to respond to a variety of hand signals. Non-verbal cues are taught during Clear Signals Training, and dogs must learn to recognize and obey them before they can serve. Military dog training is also highly structured and methodical. Service dogs are taught one command at a time, and their training does not progress until each step has been mastered.

Essential Safety Wear: Goggles and Safety Vests

Service canines, particularly those involved in military and law enforcement roles, can wear a variety of safety gear designed to protect them while they perform their duties. To ensure their safety and effectiveness in diverse operational environments—from intense sunlight to debris-filled areas—service dogs are also equipped with tactical dog goggles. These goggles are designed to protect their eyes from UV rays and debris, which is especially important for dogs that are deployed in outdoor, bright, or particulate-heavy environments. 

Positive Reinforcement and Rewards

Service dogs are all non-commissioned officers. This rank is bestowed to remind their handlers that they are soldiers and should be respected. Military dogs are not punished or scolded when they make mistakes but are praised and rewarded when they succeed. This positive approach makes dogs feel confident and valued, which are traits that will serve them well in the field. Every step of a service dog’s training is designed to save lives, so it is taken very seriously.

Specialized Training for Military Dogs

During the early stages of the training process, when military dogs are being taught basic skills, they are evaluated by experts. These experts look for behavior that would make a dog suitable for specialized missions like sentry duty, reconnaissance and explosives or narcotics detection. Dogs that bark a lot may be selected for sentry training, while more taciturn canines would be considered more suitable for reconnaissance work.

Attack and Defense Training

The dogs selected for military training all have very powerful bites. During an intensive training process, they are taught to put these bites to good use. Military service dogs will defend their handlers and teammates without hesitation but only attack on command. This part of a service dog’s training is extremely rigorous; many military trainers have scars that can attest to this.

Search and Rescue Training

The first modern military service dogs were trained to find wounded soldiers on World War I battlefields. Today, the military trains dogs to go on search and rescue missions in all environments. A search and rescue dog has a keen sense of smell that allows it to eliminate background odors and hone in on the scent of a wounded or trapped human being.

Explosive and Narcotics Detection Training

Explosives and narcotics detection training is particularly grueling for canines. Military service dogs are taught to alert when they detect the odor of explosives or illegal drugs that have been carefully hidden indoors, outdoors and in vehicles. To become certified, they must have a 95% success rate. That means they can only issue false alerts or fail to detect explosives or narcotics 5% of the time. Detection dogs are also trained to alert in different ways so their handlers will always know what they have discovered.

Differences in Behavior and Difficult Situations

Military dogs must be able to respond to commands and follow their training in all environments, and their training prepares them to meet this challenge. During this ongoing process, service dogs are evaluated to make sure that they are not sent into situations they are not suited for. In addition to the main service dog facility at Lackland AFB, the military operates training centers in other parts of the country to prepare dogs for different environments and situations.

Training for High-stress Environments

A dog that is terrified of loud noises would not be of much use in a war zone. The military gets service dogs used to the sounds of gunshots and explosions in stages. Dogs hear guns being fired hundreds of yards away, and then the shots get progressively closer. Military service dogs are trained this way three times a week until loud noises nearby no longer startle them.

Dealing With Aggression and Fear

Potential service dogs that show too much aggression during attack training or recoil in fear when they hear loud noises are given more training to help them work through their problems. As with all military canine training, the approach taken with struggling dogs focuses on positive reinforcement and verbal rewards. Dogs that cannot master their aggression or fear are not considered suitable for military service, which is one of the reasons the training success rate at Lackland AFB is only about 50%.

Maintaining Discipline in Challenging Situations

Military trainers spend a lot of time analyzing the capabilities of dogs because being deployed to a forward area is very demanding. Service dogs should be eager and enthusiastic but must also be highly disciplined. To achieve this balance, service dogs undergo extensive formal training. They also receive ongoing training in the field. Military dog handlers allocate about 30 minutes each day for training, and they focus on areas where their dogs could improve. A military dog must respond predictably and reliably in any situation, and their training ensures they do.

The Role of Experienced Handlers

Military Service dogs perform so well in the field because their handlers know what they are capable of and how to get the most out of them. Experienced handlers develop deep emotional bonds with their dogs and often prioritize their well-being over all other considerations. They receive rigorous training and are only sent to units and assigned dogs if they demonstrate an understanding of the canine mind and what makes it tick.

Their Expertise and Responsibilities

A military handler’s primary responsibility is making sure that their dog is ready to go into action and capable of accomplishing its mission. To meet this challenge, military handlers spend virtually all their waking hours with their dogs and devote several hours each week to ongoing training. They offer their dogs positive verbal reinforcement when they respond to commands and give them physical rewards like balls or chew toys when they do their jobs well.

Training and Mentoring New Handlers

Military dog handlers are trained by both instructors and experienced dogs at Lackland AFB. These experienced dogs know what their trainee instructors want but only respond when given the proper commands. When new handlers have mastered basic skills, they move onto more advanced training. The training process lasts 11 weeks and is designed to give handlers a better understanding of dogs' capabilities.

Building Strong Bonds With Military Dogs

The bonds that military handlers develop with their dogs often last a lifetime, and they are the kind of bonds that can only be forged in combat. Many military handlers adopt their dogs when they retire and keep them as household pets, but this only became possible when Congress passed Robby’s Law in 2000. Veterans and members of the public can now adopt retired service dogs, and the Department of Defense is required to keep track of adoptions and submit a report to Congress each year.

The Impact of Military Dogs on Security and Safety Efforts

Service dogs have apprehended criminals, discovered caches of firearms and drugs and saved countless lives in times of war. They are used by every branch of the U.S. military and virtually all of America’s law enforcement and government agencies. The most famous military dog of all was a pit bull mix called Sargeant Stubby. After seeing action in 17 World War I battles, Stubby returned to the United States as a national hero. He met three presidents, led numerous veterans’ parades and was awarded a gold medal by General Pershing. When Stubby passed away, the New York Times devoted half a page to his obituary.

Their Role in Combating Terrorism

Service dogs have played a prominent role in the war on terror. This work started shortly after the September 11 terrorist attacks. Hundreds of service dogs from all over the country were dispatched to Ground Zero, and they became depressed when no survivors were found. To help the dogs cope with their disappointment, rescue workers would bury themselves in the rubble so they could be discovered.

Benefits in Military Operations and Defense

Thousands of military service dogs have served with American troops in both World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. One of them was a German Shepherd named Luca. During her six years of service with the U.S. Marine Corps in Iraq and Afghanistan, Luca led more than 400 patrols and discovered at least 40 improvised explosive devices. Every single marine she led on patrol returned to base safely.

Contributions to Law Enforcement Agencies

Just about all of the police departments in the United States use K-9 units to apprehend dangerous criminals, protect officers and sniff out illegal drugs and guns. Police dogs are also used to detect narcotics in other countries. When a German Shepherd named Sombra discovered 10 tons of cocaine in Colombia in 2018, a drug cartel put a $70,000 price on his head. Nobody was foolish enough to try to claim the money.

Service With PTSD: Support for Veterans

Many veterans adopt former service dogs to help them cope with the psychological scars of combat. These dogs often suffer from PTSD themselves, so the relationships they develop with veterans are symbiotic. Service dogs calm veterans down when they become overwhelmed, interrupt their sleep when they have nightmares and provide emotional support whenever needed.

Tactical State-of-the-Art Equipment for Military Dogs

Military dogs are issued with state-of-the-art gear, and civilian dog trainers can purchase tactical dog collars, leashes and harnesses that are made to the same high standards. Our tactical dog training products are made in the United States from materials sourced from American suppliers, and they will not let you down.

FAQs: Military Dog Training 

How to train your dog like the military?

Training a dog like the military involves a structured and consistent approach. First, start with basic obedience training to teach commands such as "heel," "sit," and "stay." Use positive verbal reinforcement, saying "yes" to reward compliance instead of using treats. Once the dog masters basic commands, introduce non-verbal cues like hand signals. This should be done in a clear and methodical way, ensuring the dog understands each command before moving to the next. It’s important to remember that military dog training is rigorous and tailored to the unique environments and tasks these dogs will face, so maintaining patience and consistency is key. Also having the right tactical dog gear equipment like harnesses and leashes can be helpful with proper training methods. 

What training method is used for military dogs?

Military dogs are trained using a method known as "Clear Signals Training." This approach emphasizes non-verbal communication and positive reinforcement. Dogs are trained to respond to a variety of hand signals and verbal cues in a structured manner, where each command is taught and reinforced individually until mastered. Positive reinforcement, such as verbal praise or physical rewards like toys or play, is used to encourage good behavior and compliance, avoiding negative reinforcement like scolding or punishment.

How long until a military dog is fully trained?

The duration of military dog training can vary depending on the dog's role and the specific requirements of its tasks. However, most military training programs are intensive and can take several months to over a year. For example, basic obedience and skill training must be thoroughly completed before advancing to specialized training such as explosives detection or search and rescue. The training is ongoing throughout the dog's career to maintain and refine their skills. 

What commands do military dogs learn?

Military dogs learn a range of commands to prepare them for various tasks. Initially, they learn basic obedience commands such as "sit," "stay," "heel," and "come." As training progresses, they are taught more advanced commands relevant to their specific duties. This includes commands for aggression control like "attack" (only on command) and "release," as well as specialized commands for detecting explosives or narcotics and search and rescue operations. Non-verbal commands (hand signals) are also crucial, especially in environments where stealth is necessary or in loud situations where verbal commands might not be heard.
